A sunny dream where I was standing and seeing 2 lighthouses on a grassy mountain framed in a puzzelpiece. When three seagulls fly up and away towards the one tiny cloud.
In dream symbolism, lighthouses often represent guidance or direction. The fact that there are two lighthouses may represent a decision you need to make or two different options you're considering. Additionally, the fact that the lighthouses are on a grassy mountain could mean that this decision or direction is related to personal growth or trying to reach a higher level.
The puzzle piece framing the lighthouses may indicate that there are pieces coming together in this decision-making process and things are starting to make sense.
Seagulls often represent freedom and a desire for travel or new experiences. Seeing three of them fly up and away towards a cloud could indicate that you're feeling a sense of wanderlust or have a desire to explore new horizons. This dream may be encouraging you to embrace this desire and move forward in pursuit of new experiences and growth.